echoooin our town we have a place on facebook called buy, sell or trade ... [more], it is for anyone looking to buy , sell or give away or ask for things. I put a post in asking for any old broken bookshelves, or dressers. we were able to get a broken bookshelves, a broken dresser and 6 drawers. we found 4 old flower planters and bought 5 buckets (from the local junk store).
this morning I stood on the back porch drinking coffee, and altho the thermometer said it was only 14C (57F) it felt so much hotter as we have a massive amount of sunlight (from about 3.30am- about 11pm right now) the sun really heats up... add that to the fact that I actually had a day off... all these factors together made a perfect day for the birth of our garden... an urban garden
we laid down the dresser on its back, and the bookshelf beside it, made 3 rows of 2 drawers per row, put the 2 larger flower planters to the side, and the 2 small ones in the front. we hauled and spread 450lbs (about 200 kg) of top soil, 225lbs (100 kg) each of sheep shit and peat moss, mixed it all together, added bone meal and filled the re-purposed furniture. (oh I should mention that we also hauled about 1000lbs of sand to fill the holes and low spots in the yard.
in the bookcase we planted yellow onions and green onions and fresh chives
in the dresser we planted Yukon gold potatoes
1 dresser drawer we planted spinach,
1dresser drawer we planted lettuce
1 dresser drawer we planted beets
1 dresser drawer we planted hot banana peppers
1 drawer we planted, lemon basil, lime basil and sweet basil
1 drawer we planted more onions
1 planter we planted zucchini,
1 planter we planted a flat white scallop squash
1 sm planter we planted spearmint
1 small planter we planted garlic chives and herb chives
we started 12 tomato plants (from seeds) currently in the house, but will be planted in the buckets when the temps go up a little more
we dug 3 holes and made mounds
1 hole has sugar pumpkins planted, 1 has buttercup squash, and 1 has spaghetti squash.
we spread ALL the sand over the low spots and holes in the yard, and built the dogs a lean to, to provide some shade (made from 2x4 and 4x4s that we scavenged...
we both ache in places we didn't know we had, are sunburnt, but we did it... in this remote part of northern Canada, in the land of the midnight sun, we are growing a truly urban garden... sore as we are, (even the shower hurt) it looks awesome, and we are happy.
tomorrow when we are able to move again I will take and post some pics... tonight, we sit and rest...(mainly cuz we are too sore to do anything else) [less]
Monique85Growing my own vegetables is something i always wanted to do, but ... [more] never got to it. Being green, working on the environment and get a better health in the proces, will be a challenge, but certainly one that i want to enter. [less]